Set forth on an extraordinary journey through the varied terrains of the many local state parks in our area. The State Parks Trail Master Challenge seeks to motivate equestrians, hikers and cyclists to traverse a minimum of 5 miles at at least 5 of these picturesque parks, foster responsible use, community engagement, and environmental stewardship, all grounded in the principles of Leave No Trace.
Participating Parks:
- Allegany State Park – AlleganyQuakerAreaEquestrianTrailMap
- Backbone Horse Camp – BackboneHorseCampMap
- Boutewell Hill State Forest – BoutwellHillStateForestMap
- Boyce Hill State Forest – BoyceHillStateForestMap
- Canaseraga State Forest – CanaseragaStateForestMap
- Carlton Hill State Forest – carlton-hill-trail-map
- Darien Lakes State Park – DarienLakesTrailMap
- Elkdale State Forest – ElkdaleStateForestMap
- Finger Lakes National Forest – See Backbone Horse Camp
- High Tor State Forest – HighTorMap
- Knox Farm State Park – KnoxFarmTrailMap
- Letchworth State Park – LetchworthTrailMap
- North Harmony State Forest – NorthHarmonyStateForestMap
- Ossian State Forest – OssianStateForestMap
- Philips Creek State Forest – PhillipsCreekHorseTrailMap
- Pine Hill Equestrian Trails – PineHillHorseTrailMap
- Rattlesnake Hill Wildlife Management Area – RattleSnakeHillMap
- Sonyea State Forest – SonyeaStateForestMap
To earn the esteemed title of State Parks Trail Master, participants are required to meet the following criteria:
- Certification: Secure a Leave No Trace Certification – (Horseback riders may take the Stock Horse Cert)Challenge
- Challenges
- Standard – Complete 5 Miles at 5 of the participating parks
- Winter – Standard completed Dec 21st – March 20th
- ULTRA – Complete 5+ Miles at all of the participating parks
- ULTRA Winter – Ultra completed Dec 21st – March 20th
Time Frame:
Participants are granted the liberty to complete the challenge at their own leisure, allowing for a customized and enriching trail experience.
- Participants are required to report their progress
- Standard – online form
- ULTRA – online form
- Dates and mileage can easily be documented using any number of GPS apps.
- Participants are required to report their progress
Awards and Recognition:
Upon successful completion of the challenge, participants will be honored with the prestigious title of State Parks Trail Trail Master. In recognition of their achievement and dedication to trail stewardship, awardees will receive a distinctive Rochester Trail Riders State Parks Trail Master Patch and a certificate of completion with your RTR Member #.  Your First name, last initial and town/state will be displayed publicly on a challenge roster.
Pay It Forward:
A portion of your entry will go towards the Friends Groups that maintain these trail systems.